Documents of the European Union on Armament Policy

Within the structures of the European Union the Working Group on Arms (COARM) is the only body explicitly concerned with arms trade issues. It is also responsible for collecting data for the annual reports.

Since 2004 the European Defence Agency has become more involved in this area in order to improve the security of supply and to strengthen the European arms industry. Similarily the European Commission is working towards a single European Defence Market and supports the industry vis-a-vis  non-European competitors. Both will have an impact on the arms export policies of the member states.

Following are some position papers and initiatives of the European Union.

Dual use export controls. DG External Policies, Workshop, October 2015. 

Towards a more competitive and efficient defence and security sector. COM(2013)542, 24.7.2013. 

On Defence. Commission Staff Working Document accompanying Commission Communication COM(2013)542. SWD(2013)279, 24.7.2013.

Report on transposition fo directive 2009/81/EC on Defence and Security Procurement. COM(2012)565, 2.10.2012.

Report on transposition of Directive 2009/43/EC simplifying terms and conditions for transfer of defence-releated products within the EU. COM(2012)359, 29.6.2012

Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung zum Grünbuch der Europäischen Kommission zum EU-Ausfuhrkontrollsystem von Dual-Use-Gütern. 27.10.2011.

Grünbuch der EU-Kommission zum EU-Ausfuhrkontrollsystem von Dual-Use-Gütern. 30.6.2011.

Study on the Impact of Emerging Defence Markets and Competitors on the Competitiveness of the European Defence Sector. FWC Sector Competitiveness Studies. DG Enterprise&Industry, 12.2.2010.

Commission Staff Working Document Annex to the Proposal for a Directive on the coordination of procedures for the award of certain public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts in the fields of defence and security. 2009

Development of a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base. TNO Report for DG Enterprise&Industry, September 2009.

Bericht über den Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Vereinfachung der Bedingungen für die innergemeinschaftliche Verbringung von Verteidigungsgütern. Europäisches Parlament, A6-0410/2008, 15.10.2008.

A strategy for a stronger and more competitive European defence industry. COM(2007)764, 5.12.2007.

Interpretative Communication on the application of Article 296 of the Treaty in the field of defence procurement. COM(2006)779, 7.12.2006.

Grünbuch zur Beschaffung von Verteidigungsgütern. KOM(2004)608, 23.09.2004.

Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st Century. Creating a coherent market and policy framework for a vital European industry. Europäische Kommission, Juli 2002.