War Weapons Control Act

The War Weapons Control Act is an implementation act following Art. 26 §2 of the Basic Law.

Section 2: Production and Marketing

1) Anyone who intends to produce war weapons shall need a licence.

2) Anyone who intends to acquire actual control of war weapons from or to transfer it to another person shall need a licence.

All relevant regulations with regard to this act can be found on the homepage of the Federal Office for Export Control (LINK)

Current Version of the War Weapons Control Act (2013)

War Weapons List Part B



Regulations of the War Weapons Control Act:

1. Regulation 

2. Regulation 

3. Regulation 

Regulation for General Authorisations 



NEW Documents:

Gegen Rüstungsexport und Migrationsabwehr. Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden, June 2019.

New Political Principles on Arms Exports. 26.6.2019.

Annual Report on Arms Exports 2018. June 2019.

Arms Exports 2018 by Federal States. BT-Drs 19/10392, 21.5.2019.

End-Use for Arms Exports to Yemens Conflict Parties. BT-Drs 19/10374, 21.5.2019.