Position of the Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany

Both Confessions have dealt with the ethical and moral implications as well as  economic and political challenges posed by arms exports.

Within the Ecumenical Conference Church and Development the Working Group Arms Exports deals with these issues On a regular basis. Since 1997 the group has also been publishing annual reports on the issue.

The Commission Arms Exports of Pax Christi Germany actively supports the efforts to contain arms exports.

Furthermore both churches repeatedly publish programmatic statements on arms trade:

2007: Aus Gottes Frieden leben - für gerechten Frieden sorgen. Denkschrift des Rates der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland.

1999: Wahrheit, Erinnerung und Solidarität - Schlüssel zu Frieden und Versöhnung. Wort der Kommission der Bischofskonferenzen der EU.

NEW Documents:

Gegen Rüstungsexport und Migrationsabwehr. Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden, June 2019.

New Political Principles on Arms Exports. 26.6.2019.

Annual Report on Arms Exports 2018. June 2019.

Arms Exports 2018 by Federal States. BT-Drs 19/10392, 21.5.2019.

End-Use for Arms Exports to Yemens Conflict Parties. BT-Drs 19/10374, 21.5.2019.